Young Epilepsy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk
and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
It is the duty and responsibility of every member of staff, Trustee, Governor and volunteer to ensure that they are
familiar with the Safeguarding Policy and Procedures. It is also their duty to intervene if they witness a
student at Young Epilepsy being abused, and to report immediately any concerns about a student’s safety or
wellbeing to the appropriate Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). If there is any doubt about whether it is a
concern or not, staff should report the issue and seek guidance.
Young Epilepsy recognises its duty under the relevant legislation and guidance to ensure that the welfare of all
children and adults at risk is safeguarded and promoted at all times in the delivery of all services. Trustees and
Governors have absolute accountability to ensure that the appropriate procedures are in place and are being followed.
All staff, Trustees, Governors, volunteers and visitors must rigorously adhere to the procedures that implement this
policy making sure that the appropriate action is taken immediately where it is alleged that any student has suffered
from, or is at risk of, significant harm whether at Young Epilepsy or outside of the charity.
The paramount concern at all times will be the best interests and safety of the children and adults at risk.
Young Epilepsy will:
- protect students from abuse and harm, and promote their welfare
- ensure staff understand and can recognise and respond to different types of abuse and harm
- ensure staff, Trustees, Governors, volunteers and visitors are aware of their own responsibilities under the Safeguarding Procedure, and how to report concerns;
- ensure staff are aware of the role of the Safeguarding Team;
- provide support for staff who report concerns and for students who are identified as suffering, or at risk of suffering, significant harm.