Life Hacks: Telling Your Partner

When you start a new relationship, everything is exciting. You have those butterflies in your tummy, you constantly check your phone to see if they’ve text – there’s enough to think about without adding explaining your epilepsy to the list.  But how and when do you tell them? We asked you for your top tips and here’s what you told us.  So, take a mo to read these real-life, tried and tested life-hacks. Take the stress out of the convo and start focusing on all the other exciting things that are coming your way.
1.Have the chat early on, because it is important to be safe.
2. Just have a simple conversation and explain what they should do if you have a seizure whilst they’re around.
3. Ask someone whose been there when you’ve had a seizure to help explain, a friend, or a sibling perhaps.
4. Casually mention it in conversations, don’t be afraid to answer their questions.

We also asked you how those chats went with a new partner. So, take it from these people, like you, who’ve been there, done it and got the t-shirt.

• "They were supportive and appreciative that I had told them."
• "All they wanted to know was what to do if a seizure happens so they can help me."
• "It went really well! Sharing the idea of epilepsy can come as a shock. We’ve had time to get used to it – they haven’t, so just ease them into the idea."
• "Better than expected – every time."
• "Told them right at the beginning – good to get it out the way!"
• "They were really supportive and still are! If I’m having a down moment, they are there for me."
• "I was anxious at first ‘cause I thought they might judge me, but I told them and they are totally fine."
• "I decided to be open and honest. They have been my rock since."
What’s the best way to tell a new friend or partner about my epilepsy?