Exploring Absence Seizures Through Art

Children with absence epilepsy are “gone” for a few seconds, sometimes hundreds of times a day .. If You Are Not There, Where Are You? shapes the worlds where the children and young people are then.

If You Are Not There, Where Are You? looks for language for the multi-sensory experience of absence, 'not being there'. And when you are away for a while, where are you?

Absences can be extremely anxious, disorienting, exhausting, neutral, but also pleasant. Children sometimes call them on purpose. Before, during or after an attack, reality can suddenly be perceived completely differently. The absences are thus an involuntary montage of reality. There are holes.

This project makes the experience of an absence divisible. This makes the children and young people with absences less lonely and anxious in their experience. We call the method by which we make the experience shareable 'mapping the experience'.

By mapping the absence experiences , we contribute to knowledge about epilepsy. Not by interpreting it, but by imagining it.


if you are not there where are you

This video shows how the project have turned absence seizures into real life experiences. 


For more information on the 'If you are not there, where are you?' project, head to the website to see the incredible artwork. 

Young Epilepsy Meets the 'If you are not there, where are you?' Project

Young Epilepsy's Young Rep, Sacha talks to the artist, Bobby and one of the participants, Caro of the 'If you are not there, where are you?' project to see how the project came together and what is was like to be a part of.